29 juin 2022

On a six-monthly basis, the IRAIF/IREFI informs the accredited auditors of some highlights or key issues that could influence their work. 

The supervisory authorities and the different IRAIF/IREFI working groups, supported by the scientific secretariat, have contributed to this letter, by providing and drafting the enclosed attention points.

The attention points have been compiled in the context of the current legal and regulatory framework of cooperation of the accredited auditors to the prudential supervision by the FSMA and NBB. 

On 17 June 2022, a Capita Selecta session was organized in close cooperation with the NBB, and detailing some of the topics mentioned in the attached letter. The slides of this training are available on the ICCI portal ( Past events (icci.be)).

The IRAIF/IREFI working group dealing with the model reports has finalized the templates for prudential reporting as of 30 June 2022 to the NBB and the FSMA. The updated versions will be communicated shortly. 

Should you have any questions regarding this document, please do not hesitate to contact me, any member of the Board of the IRAIF/IREFI or Veerle Sablon.

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