Onze hoofdonderwerpen


Kwaliteitsmanagement in de kantoren


Antiwitwas en de rol van de bedrijfsrevisor


Helemaal mee


Algemene Vergadering van 25 april 2025: oproeping en agenda

Het IBR heeft gereageerd op de vragenlijst van de Europese Autoriteit voor effecten en markten (ESMA) in het kader van de openbare raadpleging over de technische regelgevingsnormen (RTS) met betrekking tot het Europese Enkel Elektronische Formaat (ESEF)

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Kiezen voor een carrière als bedrijfsrevisor is kiezen voor een job met veel maatschappelijke impact en afwisseling. Bedrijfsrevisoren gaan een stap verder dan eenvoudig de boekhouding controleren. Ze geven aan hoe betrouwbaar de jaarrekening is en ze kunnen tal van opdrachten uitvoeren en advies op maat verstrekken, en dit in alle sectoren, van beursgenoteerde ondernemingen tot KMO's, verenigingen en publieke- en non-profitorganisaties.

In deze video volgen we bedrijfsrevisoren Filip Remmery en Thalissa Loots, die ons tonen welke toegevoegde waarde ze hebben bij hun klant, biobakkerij De Trog in Ieper.



Vacatures en overnames

Vacatures voor bedrijfsrevisoren/auditors, professionele medewerkers van revisorenkantoren, werkaanbiedingen voor en door stagiairs en aankondigingen van overnames of overdrachten van kantoren.

RSM Belgium is looking for an Audit Manager (Zaventem) - NL/ENG

17 februari 2025

The Power of Being Understood!

That is who we are and how we do business around here at RSM Belgium. By truly listening to our people, clients and society and finding the right answer to their needs. And by working on long term relationships with our clients and our people, whereby our people ultimately get the possibility to take up final signing responsibility towards our clients. And this in an international environment since RSM is one of the few real international accounting networks with worldwide coverage.

You've worked hard to get where you are today. And you're so ready to use your unique skills, talents, and personality to achieve great things. Then RSM might be something for you. We are an organisation in full growth, with many challenges and opportunities, with pitfalls and growing pains. But our great ideas, curiosity, and our collaboration, make us take small steps with a big impact. We want to make the world a better place, by how we do business and serve our clients. We challenge ourselves every day to make a true difference to everyone we interact with. Our drive and enthusiasm make us a great team. Working directly with clients and partners from day one, will make you move quickly along your learning curve and make an impact that matters.

We are looking for ambitious, bi-lingual NL/ENG and self-driven Audit Managers for Zaventem, who, together with us, will build the consulting of tomorrow. 

Your role and responsibilities

In addition to driving high-quality financial audits, you also become a direct advisor to our national and international clients. As an Audit Manager, you are in charge of an experienced audit team. You will contribute to the growth of our business unit due to your strategic insight and account management skills.

Together with your team, you will drive our client’s operations to the next level through:

  • Coaching and supervision of the members of the audit team in charge of mainly mid-sized SMEs and larger (inter)national clients.
  • Providing technical audit assistance to them, including project and entity wide performance assessments.
  • Managing of the more complex and significant engagements, including tailor-made advice to your client portfolio.
  • Client relationship management, including preparation and presentation of our reporting and follow-up on audit budgets.
  • Improving our effectiveness by communication with the Managing Partner of Audit, the audit management committee, steering committee.
  • Contribution to advisory projects in function of capacities and particular interests.
  • Forensic insights to look at a set of financial or other processes from any perspective and direction in order to find creative ways of establishing facts.

Are you still okay? Because more opportunities and responsibilities are awaiting you.

Who are we looking for?

Do you have a lot of enthusiasm and are you eager to have a career with impact in our growing organization? Then please, read on!

We are looking for professionals with a great sense of initiative. Working independently is a must, in combination with inspiring teamwork.

  • Do you have an entrepreneurial university degree? E.g. in economics, business sciences, STEM or similar? Do you have a major in Belgian Accounting and Audit?
  • Are you a registered Auditor?
  • Do you have minimum 5 years of experience as external auditor?
  • Are you energized by the consulting environment in its total diversity?
  • Are you people-oriented and do you love people management too?
  • Do you have a sense of ownership and pride in your performance and its impact on the company’s success?
  • Are you a critical thinker and do you have excellent problem-solving skills?
  • Do you have great interpersonal and communication skills with different stakeholders?
  • Do you have a commercial zest and track record?
  • Do you have a strategic vision for long-term growth and development of the team and RSM?
  • Are you bi-lingual, i.e. fully proficient in NL/ENG?

Do you say check, check, double check? Alors soyez le/la bienvenu(e). Very nice to meet you. Ga zitten, een koffietje?

Our promise

In exchange for your competences, enthusiasm and a super motivated YOU, we promise you:

  • An open business culture where new opportunities arise every day.
  • A challenging position in a dynamic team, incl. a wide variety of tasks in an international setting.
  • Many responsibilities with an impact.
  • A stable brand in full growth.
  • A job where we stimulate you to be the best version of yourself.
  • Plenty of room to develop an inspiring and fulfilling career.
  • A competitive gross salary incl. extra fringe benefits such as a company car, insurances, representation allowance, many internal and external learning opportunities offered by our own RSM Belgium Academy, great coffee, tea, fruit, chocolate, cake, … because we love to share.

Website: Apply for the job Audit Manager- Zaventem (NL) at RSM Belgium