Kiezen voor een carrière als bedrijfsrevisor is kiezen voor een job met veel maatschappelijke impact en afwisseling. Bedrijfsrevisoren gaan een stap verder dan eenvoudig de boekhouding controleren. Ze geven aan hoe betrouwbaar de jaarrekening is en ze kunnen tal van opdrachten uitvoeren en advies op maat verstrekken, en dit in alle sectoren, van beursgenoteerde ondernemingen tot KMO's, verenigingen en publieke- en non-profitorganisaties.
Vacatures voor bedrijfsrevisoren/auditors, professionele medewerkers van revisorenkantoren, werkaanbiedingen voor en door stagiairs en aankondigingen van overnames of overdrachten van kantoren.
6 mei 2024
Eurodad is a network of 60 NGOs across Europe, working on development finance advocacy. Our focus is on strengthening the power of European CSOs, working as part of a global movement to push governments and powerful institutions to adopt transformative changes to the global economic and financial system. More information can be found on our website.
Eurodad is looking for a new auditor as the previous’ auditor’s mandate is coming to an end. A new auditor needs to be retained for project audits according to donor requirements (as of July 2024) and institutional audits (as of financial year 2024) for up to 6 years.
A framework agreement will be awarded for 6 financial years (2024-2029) for the institutional audit and for the whole duration of any project started during that period. Project audits can be contracted as soon as the framework agreement is signed (pending the donor’s approval of the auditor selection and possible signature of 3-way agreement between donor, auditor and Eurodad), but the agreement will only be valid for institutional audits for the first three years (2024-2026) after approval of the mandate by Eurodad’s General Assembly in June 2024 and for the 3 additional financial years (2027-2029) pending Eurodad’s General Assembly’s approval in June 2027.
The complete offer with all relevant details, including:
The signed declaration on honour at the end of this document confirming that the bidder does not match any of the exclusion criteria
Companies must state their registration below and provide a copy of their company’s registration document, as proof of their nationality in compliance with the European Union’s Rules of Nationality.
If relevant, other documents that demonstrate how the bidder fits with the selection criteria may also be included. Tenders which are incomplete or not submitted as described above will be excluded.
If you have questions about the terms of reference or invitation to tender requirements, please send these in writing to Please do not send tenders to this address. It is forbidden to discuss price with this contact person and this person will not be involved in the decision-making for this contract. Relevant questions must be submitted no later than 12/05/2024 23:59 CET and answers will be published here no later than 16/05/2024 23:59 CET
For more information and full job description: here