The ceremony has taken place on 29 November 2022 at KBC Head Office (Brussels).

Documents and videos

  1. Vandemoortele (category Large Organisations)
  2. De Winning (category Other Organisations)
  • the video of presentation of the Nominees of the Best Impact Sustainability Report:
  1. Umicore (category Large Organisations)
  2. Oxfam Fair Trade (category Other Organisations)

Pictures of the ceremony


Mrs Zakia KHATTABI, Minister of Sustainable Development


Marc Daelman, President of the Jury - Valérie Thys, Presentator - Zakia Khattabi, Minister of Sustainable Development


Panel Debate moderated by Luc Van Liedekerke, with the participation of Karen Hofmans, Abigail Levrau, Liliana Lizarazo Rodriguez and Eric Van Hoof


Schréder, Winner of the Award for the Best First Sustainability Report in the category "Large organisations"


Oxfam Fair Trade, Winner of the Awards for the Best First Sustainability Report in the category "Other organisations"



Schréder, winner of the Award for the Sustainability Report Best Linked to the 2030 SDG Agenda



Elia, Award for the Best Report on Stakeholder Inclusiveness and Engagement


De Winning, winner of the Award for the Best Sustainability Report in Best Creativity & Originality

Winners Best Impact Sustainability Reports


De Winning, category "Other organisations"


Vandermoortele, in the category "Large organisations"

Winners 2022 

Oxfam Fair Trade, Vandemoortele, De Winning, Elia & Schréder